Courses in Greece

We aim to give you the opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself with our courses. When we change, our worlds change!

We run an introduction to meditation talk every week so that those without any meditation experience can understand the nuts and bolts. You don't need to convert to Buddhism and you don't need to take on any beliefs, it's a basic overview of meditation and mindfulness.

Our courses range from £120 - £150 and generally take place over 4 mornings a week between 10.30am and 1pmish.

The thing is that NONE of the courses are too all consuming so it won't feel like bootcamp and you get plenty of time to get on with the important business of relaxing, resting, recharging.

The courses are all about unblocking and liberating. Our heart is, and always will be, in uncovering the here and NOW, which is why the 5 guided meditations and post meditation chats and teachings will always be included in the price of your holiday along with the mindfulness movement.

Please note: It is IMPOSSIBLE to do all the trips AND do a course and have a million massages... so why not come for two weeks?!

Courses in Greece for 2024/25

Date Course Price Places
May 4th Breathe, Relax, Be £100 8
May 11th The Magic of Mindful Living £120 7
May 18th Reiki 1 for Self Healing £150 4
May 25th Zen Compassion - The Heart of Loving Kindness £120 8
June 1st Breathe, Relax, Be £100 7
June 8th The Magic of Mindful Living £120 7
June 15th Reiki 1 for Self Healing £150 4
Sept 7th Zen Compassion - The Heart of Loving Kindness £120 8
Sept 14th The Magic of Mindful Living £120 6
21st Sept Reiki 1 for Self Healing £150 4

The exact timings and content of each course will depend largely on the group and your individual needs. We assess each group on its own merits so it’s pretty tricky to be specific here. We know you’re on holiday, though, so there will be plenty of time for sight seeing or lying in the sun or reading trashy novels (or Tolstoy - whatever floats your boat). We give a general overview of the kind of topics that we hope to cover when you click through to the links.

Meditation Space
Meditation Space